You’re invited to a talk organised by the West Surrey and North East Hants Support Group of National Eczema Society at 2pm on Saturday 24 February 2024.

Our speaker, Dr Alpa Kanji, will be explaining how habit reversal therapy combined with topical treatments can help people with eczema break the habitual itch-scratch cycle. Dr Kanji is a dermatologist working at St John’s Institute of Dermatology in London and she teaches habit reversal therapy.

The event is being held at The Pavilion Woodbridge Road, (next to the cricket ground) in Guildford GU1 4RP. Entry is free but donations are very welcome. National Eczema Society literature will be available.

The talk is also being filmed and can be viewed online live and later on National Eczema Society’s Facebook page You don’t need a Facebook account to watch the livestream.

Dr Alpa Kanji MA PhD (Cantab) MRCP CCT (Derm) is a scientist by background, having researched bacterial genetics for which she was awarded a PhD at the University of Cambridge. She completed her medical and dermatology training in London and is currently undertaking a fellowship in paediatric dermatology at St John’s Institute of Dermatology. Dr Kanji is particularly interested in atopic eczema, including the mind and skin connection, and is passionate about empowering patients to manage their skin condition as well as possible. She teaches habit reversal therapy, which encourages patients to change longstanding habits of scratching and picking their skin.