Meet the faces of our campaign, More than “Just an Itch”

Our campaign video wouldn’t have been possible without Hannah, Callum, Monica, Jack and Emily. You can watch their full stories below.

Living with eczema can be an emotional rollercoaster. From the constant itching and discomfort to the visible marks it leaves, individuals with eczema face not only physical but also emotional hurdles. Our new campaign video, More Than “Just an Itch” highlights the emotions, frustrations, and true impact of five remarkable individuals as they navigate their journeys with eczema.

Sanofi has provided a financial grant enabling National Eczema Society to make this video, and has had no editorial input or control over the content or other outputs.

Meet Hannah

Hannah’s eczema started as a baby, and she has struggled with self-esteem issues as a result of her condition. In our video, she opens up about her journey to self-acceptance and how she found her inner strength.

YouTube video

Meet Callum

Callum discusses the mental toll of eczema, including anxiety and depression. He shares his experience of the importance of mental health support and opening up.

YouTube video

Meet Monica

Monica has had eczema since a child. She talks about her journey of flare-ups and finding effective stress management, plus the hope that kept her going during her journey with eczema.

YouTube video

Meet Jack

Jack shares his journey and the impact of the social stigma surrounding eczema. His story highlights the importance of support and understanding from loved ones.

YouTube video

Meet Emily

Emily had her eczema flare up worst during her teenage years; she talks about her determination to not let her condition define her. She emphasises the power of a positive mindset in managing eczema.

YouTube video

By sharing these personal stories, our campaign video aims to raise awareness about the psychological impact of eczema. It’s a reminder that eczema is not just a physical condition; it’s a complex journey that can affect self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. Through these stories, we hope to inspire empathy and understanding for those living with eczema while encouraging open conversations about mental health and skin conditions.

More Than “Just an Itch” is not just a campaign video; it’s a heartfelt exploration of the psychology behind eczema. It gives people outside the eczema community the opportunity to walk in the shoes of those who bravely face this condition every day and showcases the strength, resilience, and hope that can be found amidst the challenges.

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Share Your Story: If you or a loved one has eczema, consider sharing your experiences and let’s keep the conversation going #MoreThanJustAnItch

Here is the full campaign video More Than “Just an Itch”  

YouTube video

Sanofi has provided a financial grant enabling National Eczema Society to make this video, and has had no editorial input or control over the content or other outputs.