National Eczema Society took part in this exciting international charity initiative during 2021-22. This global initiative explored what ‘good eczema care’ looks like from a patient and caregiver perspective. The research established common measures to assess how well health systems met the needs of patients and their caregivers, and identify opportunities for improvement.
The Global Patient Initiative to Improve Eczema Care (GPIIEC) is a partnership of eleven patient organisations in eight countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Germany, United States, and the United Kingdom. National Eczema Society contributed views and experiences of people with eczema from the UK.
The results from the study were announced in April 2022 and can be downloaded from this link.
The report shows how patient experience of eczema care varies hugely in the participating countries. Survey respondents from the UK, both adults and parents of children with eczema, reported the lowest or low scores on measures for long-term control of eczema symptoms, satisfaction with eczema treatments, patient education, shared decision making, and life span trade-off. More information on the UK responses and experience here.

For more information: www.improveeczemacare.org