National Eczema Society, Chief Executive, Andrew Proctor presenting about National Eczema Society
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We attended the atopic eczema masterclass

Brilliant to share the experiences and challenges of our eczema community at the atopic eczema masterclass event for dermatology nurses yesterday in Birmingham.

Thank you to the British Dermatological Nursing Group for inviting us to take part and listening to patients!

It was fabulous as well to hear about all the progress being made by the dermatology nursing community to improve patient care.

National Eczema Society Chief Executive, Andrew Proctor speaking to eczema warrior Kym Dawson on a stage. There are photos behind them are visible eczema on Kym's face.

Our Chief Executive, Andrew Proctor, talked about the priorities for National Eczema Society going forward, including campaigning for NICE quality guidelines for atopic eczema fort adults and fair access to emollients in NHS prescription.

Additionally, National Eczema Society Trustee, Professor Celia Moss also spoke at the event, explaining what we know about topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) and the urgent need for more research.