National Eczema Society promotes trials and projects that the charity believes have the potential to make a significant difference to the lives of people with eczema. Here are some examples of trials we have supported, promoted or featured in our members’ magazine, Exchange.

ALPHA trial

The ALPHA trial compares Alitretinoin and PUVA therapy in patients aged 18 years and over with severe hand eczema which is not controlled on a daily (regular) basis with prescription steroid creams. The purpose of the ALPHA research study is to find out the most effective treatment for chronic hand eczema.

A-STAR study

The UK-Irish Atopic Eczema Systemic Therapy Register (A-STAR) study aims to establish how well systemic medicines work with regard to improvement in disease severity, quality of life and also safety, especially when these medicines are used for longer periods of time.


BIOMAP is an exciting international research initiative which takes advantage of recent technical developments in translational medicine, to drive drug discovery and improve direct disease management in atopic eczema and psoriasis.

Eczema Mindlines

Supporting a child with eczema is highly challenging and the healthcare system does not always make it easier. Prof Fiona Cowdell, Professor of Nursing and Health Research at Birmingham City University, has led the Eczema Mindlines study researching new ways to help families manage the condition more easily.

Eczema Care Online (ECO)

The Eczema Care Online (ECO) research study aims to promote effective eczema self-care by improving individuals’ knowledge of eczema treatments and influencing attitudes, skills, and habits related to treatment use.

Fractures and eczema

A major new study led by Prof Sinead Langan at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has found a link between eczema and bone fractures.

Infections and eczema

Consultant Dermatologist Susannah George and patient representative Anjna Rani share findings from the latest Cochrane research review on treatments used to reduce infection with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus in people with eczema. They examine the evidence for what treatments really works for infected eczema?

Rapid Eczema Trials

The Rapid Eczema Trials project is set up to help put people with eczema in the driving seat. People with eczema and carers often have questions about looking after eczema (such as how often to wash, what to eat, and how to use their creams), but there is often limited research to help guide decisions.

Global Patient Initiative for Optimal Eczema Care

National Eczema Society is taking part in an exciting international initiative aiming to set out what ‘good eczema care’ looks like from a patient and caregiver perspective. The Global Patient Initiative for Optimal Eczema Care project aims to develop measures for healthcare services and treatment satisfaction that reflect patient views, and to produce policy recommendations from the perspective of people who live with eczema.

SECURE-AD Patient Survey

National Eczema Society is a partner in this international research initiative, SECURE-AD Patient Survey. The original purpose of which was to capture the experience of people with atopic eczema who had been diagnosed with Covid-19 or had symptoms. The new purpose of the survey is to gain an insight into how the pandemic affects people living with atopic eczema.

YouTube video

SLEEP study

National Eczema Society is funding this exciting research study into the impact of sleep disturbance on children with eczema and their families. The findings will provide new evidence to help improve the ways children and young people with eczema are supported to sleep better, as well as informing future research in this important field.

SOFTER trial

The Softened Water for Eczema Prevention (SOFTER) trial is investigating whether using water softeners can reduce the risk of eczema in babies. The trial is being conducted at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London. The research builds on earlier findings showing that hard water damages the skin’s protective barrier and could contribute to the development of eczema.

TECH study

The Teleconsultations for Eczema in Children (TECH) study is investigating the effectiveness and acceptability of teleconsultations for follow-up care of eczema in children and young people. This study will help us to understand experiences and views of teleconsultations from the patient and parent perspective and will inform future research in this field.


This study aims to reduce the risk of babies and children developing peanut allergy through skin contact. Researchers are investigating the mechanisms through which this occurs and ways to adapt skin care practices to reduce risk. They are also looking into how peanut snacks are manufactured, with the aim of reducing the load of peanut protein in the environment.